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The main concept in bringing City Research Group to fruition was to give homeowners direct access to research conducted by the city they live in. This research has been collected by their respective city for a very long time, compiling useful data when it comes to knowing what your property is worth.

Our services are simple and always put the homeowner first. We talk with city planners, utility engineers, architects, environmentalist, arborists and a few other avenues depending on the type of property that is being researched, may it be for a future development or a present sale. This allows us to gather research to show the homeowner the value their home can bring them and the great opportunities that are presented once the property is sold. As we all know there is a greater shift of homeowners moving from Vancouver into the Fraser Valley because of high costs of living, so affordable housing is something that is in dire need.

We research which areas the city is looking to develop for affordable housing and talk with homeowners in those locations to show them the research the city has put together and the maximized value that their property has with this development potential.

Cities such as Surrey, Langley, Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack and Kelowna are seeing an increase in property values on a yearly basis, especially in areas with future development. So why shouldn't there be an organization that is teamed up with each of these cities to help homeowners know the true value of their properties and for them to be able to get fair market values and terms.

We also help homeowners relocate by looking at properties they can move into once their site sells even before the sale of their home. There's nothing better than seeing a happy homeowner whom got the best value by marketing their properly  appropriately showcasing the future development, and using that new found wealth to purchase a new home, spend money on their children or even put all that wealth in a retirement account.

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